Mind the gap

Breaking down gender barriers in entrepreneurship

4-5pm AEST

Thursday 19 November 2020

Registrations are closed

To celebrate Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, The University of Queensland (UQ) brought together an online panel of female founders and leaders to discuss their successes, some of the challenges they have faced, as well as ideas, strategies and policies that could be implemented to close the gender gap within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Watch a recording of the event on our YouTube channel. 

Our speakers and panellists

Dr Jessica Gallagher
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement and Entrepreneurship) at UQ
Holly Tattersall
Founder and CEO of Women in Digital
Rachael Dagge
UQ's Chief Student Entrepreneur
Sabrina Chakori
Founder of Brisbane Tool Library
Anne-Marie Birkill
Co-Founder, Venture Partner and executive director at OneVentures
Sam Jockel
CEO and Founder at ParentTV, and UQ Entrepreneur in Residence

The Gender Gap

The under-representation of female entrepreneurs in startups is well-documented, and while the recent Startup Muster report showed a slight increase in female founders in Australia in 2019 — at 22.3%, with male founders at 77.1% — there is clearly a long way to go.

At UQ, we believe that the Australian higher education sector is an important pipeline that the ecosystem could tap to level the playing field and increase participation and contribution from women. UQ Ventures strives to foster the sense of community among female identifying founders, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.

Through raising the profile of women in entrepreneurship and creating opportunities for female-identifying entrepreneurs, we hope to inspire and create change.

“With more than 50 per cent of university students in this country identifying as female more can and should be done to encourage this cohort to build their entrepreneurial mindsets and back themselves to don the title of founder and entrepreneur.”

Dr Jessica Gallagher,  Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement and Entrepreneurship) UQ.

UQ women in entrepreneurship

Contact us 
For more information about our Women's Entrepreneurship Day event please contact our Ventures team.