Félix recognises that we are all within ships sailing towards dangerous, reef filled waters. Impact, innovation and compassion are the brands which power his fleet. Utilising these he’s helped others steer to safer water when looking at climate and energy management, mental health technology, and improved health and wellbeing within developing nations, to name a few. Félix has won or was a finalist for 13 highly competitive startup or problem solving programs, been a crew member to 7 startups and is a founder of two, was named the 2022 UQ student entrepreneur of the year, been an international speaker, and has helped grow the student entrepreneurship community locally, nationally and internationally.
Some of his most recent achievements include building and implementing a medical record system (posyandu) for people in poverty or street situations in Indonesia – particularly targeted towards preventing malnutrition or stunting, launching the largest collaborative effort in Australia’s university student entrepreneurship ecosystem by organising the first ever nation-wide conference-like gathering – UniversityBonfire, as well as revolutionising workplace mental wellbeing through his startup MindMuse.care. His current startup has been named one of the top 200 AI solutions of 2023.
On top of all that, he enjoys coaching and supporting other impact focused startups so that we can all steer a fleet towards smoother waters. He specialises within the early-stage founding, particularly around MVP development. He’s got magical skillset for supporting lean MVP development through No-Code which he’s demonstrated at scale through a masterclass delivered to more than 11 countries in partnership with the U.N. Pulse Lab Jakarta and Venturenauts, workshops presented at Hackathons or entrepreneurship/startups programs, or through his startup mentoring.
Looking into the future with a captain’s spyglass, Felix is committed to helping 100,000 people by 2032.