Originally published in Startup Daily, 2 June 2021
Australia needs to continue to expand its innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem to strengthen our economy, grow our industries and to produce new jobs.

Government has focussed on research endeavours and need to commercialise academic IP.
This presents one path to delivering innovation, but not the only way that universities are supporting Australia’s entrepreneurial eco-system and job creation.
Universities don’t only educate tomorrow’s employees, they are actively championing and supporting our future employers. Australian universities’ role in feeding the entrepreneurial ecosystems has expanded considerably over the past 10 years. A study has shown that Australia’s 41 universities offer nearly 600 subjects related to entrepreneurship.
Universities are great places to foster and launch startups. As one student entrepreneur alum said: “bringing together entrepreneurs, innovators and investors to help [students] grow their ideas into a solution for potential commercial opportunity is critical but costly … universities have the capacity to offer those supports because of their alumni network, [industry] partnership and resources”.
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Josepha Dietrich is the research and engagement coordinator, Global Engagement and Entrepreneurship, at The University of Queensland. Contributions by UQ Dr Jessica Gallagher, UNSW David Burt, UTS Murray Hurps & RMIT Matt Salier.