High School Educator Q&A: Brisbane Boys' College

As a Middle School Curriculum Coordinator, Amelia Apogremiotis champions entrepreneurship education at Brisbane Boys' College. She sat down with us to share how she witnessed her Year 9 cohort rise to the challenge of starting their own business in just one week.

Amelia Apogremiotis
Amelia Apogremiotis, Curriculum Coordinator at Brisbane Boys' College 

Q: What skills did the students gain from the program?

A: The students valued the progress they made throughout the week and could clearly see their development over time. The students felt they had made gains in their ability to think critically and adaptively. They showed gains in their communication and collaboration skills. They valued the opportunity to work creatively on a future-focused problem.

Q: Why is it important to teach entrepreneurship in high schools?

In order for students to be equipped to face a world that is constantly changing, they need to have developed agile thinking skills. Entrepreneurship provides a nice scaffold to improve students' critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and ability to communicate ideas clearly and succinctly, all valuable skills for the jobs of tomorrow. 

Q: What did the students like most about the program?

A: The students enjoyed being able to develop their entrepreneurial mindset through the activities they participated in throughout the week. The standout of the week was the pitch presentations. The students all commented on how wonderful it was to be able to hear the stories and ideas of the other students and the valuable feedback from the pitch panel. 

Learn more about how your students can engage with our Ventures Discovery programs and book in your high school today venturesdiscovery@uq.edu.au.


Last updated:
12 January 2021