LeadHers Awards

Nominate by 4 November

The LeadHers Awards will showcase and celebrate outstanding leadership capabilities demonstrated by women in entrepreneurship.

From founders and student leaders to those making a positive impact in their community, these awards are open to women and gender diverse people who are leading to create positive change.

The LeadHers Awards will celebrate these successful leaders from across the state. Nominate in the following three categories.

Nominations are now closed.

 Student Award

  Entrepreneurship Award

 Community Award

Award categories

Award winners of each category will receive a trophy and $1,000 in prize money.

Student Award
This award recognises a current student enrolled at The University of Queensland who has demonstrated leadership capabilities in a job or volunteer role.
Entrepreneurship Award
This award recognises a woman (or women) who has developed an innovative and entrepreneurial venture.
Community Award
This award recognises women leaders making a positive impact in their community.

Awards timeline

Keep up to date with the following timeline and make sure to submit your nominations before the closing date.


23 SeptemberNominations openTo make your nomination please fill in this form.
4 NovemberNominations close

Submit your nomination before nominations close to ensure your nomination is reviewed.

1 NovemberShortlisting

All nominations will be shortlisted for judging.

8 NovemberJudging

Judging to be finalised for the award ceremony.

15 NovemberAward ceremony

Nominees and other invited attendees will come together for the announcement of all award winners at the LeadHers Rise event - Celebrating Women's Entrepreneurship Day.

Our LeadHers History

UQ Ventures LeadHers, a confidence-building incubator, was launched in 2018 to address an identified confidence gap among UQ women entrepreneurs and their male counterparts, and to encourage and support more women in entrepreneurship and leadership.

LeadHers started as a twice-a-year program, with 85 applications for the first round. Six years later, LeadHers is now run several times a year with additional events for PhDs and Staff. In 2022 over 350 women have participated in a LeadHers program.

The LeadHers Awards are designed to further celebrate the achievements of women entrepreneurs and leaders and to encourage equality in these positions.

For more information about the LeadHers Awards, please contact
Beth Lawrance, Manager, Ventures, UQ.