Expand your horizons with an international Startup AdVenture

22 May 2024

Does spending 4 weeks overseas learning about innovation from entrepreneurs and startups as part of your studies sound too good to be true?

UQ Ventures’ Startup AdVentures program gives students the chance to gain practical experience in real workplaces, expand their network, and go through transformative personal and professional growth. The program is open to all UQ students, irrespective of their degree or degree level and may be available for academic credit through some elective courses. The program destination you’ll visit may change from year to year with previous destinations being Singapore, San Francisco, China and Hanoi, Vietnam.

The benefits of challenging your comfort zone

Everyone knows that growth is a result of getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things that challenge you. Bachelor of Business Management students Olivia and Hallam travelled to Hanoi, Vietnam, as part of a Startup AdVenture and are keen to share their experiences.

Olivia’s Startup AdVenture experience

Olivia chose to study at UQ because of its history, beautiful campus and strong reputation.

“I had a gut feeling I was meant to be there,” she says.

For Olivia, the Startup AdVenture gave her the opportunity to reconnect with peers while immersing herself in a vibrant business ecosystem and exploring global opportunities.

Prior to her Startup AdVenture experience, Olivia’s exposure to innovation and entrepreneurship concepts was theoretical, although she had launched her own small cleaning business in 2021. Completing the Startup AdVenture program helped her think about how she could expand her business or start something new.

“The Vietnam Startup AdVenture trip was an invaluable journey of professional learning and personal development,” Olivia says.

Through the program, Olivia was placed in a startup called AdFlex, an affiliate marketing company that provides a holistic focus on CPA (Cost Per Action) solutions and technology-driven growth.

“This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that offered me countless chances to work on my communication skills and expand my network in a foreign country."

Read the full story 
